ASF Award "Learning South of North" in Barcelona:
Using architecture and design to benefit the most vulnerable sectors of the world's population

Punto de encuentro, Salón de Actos Escola Massana. Centro d’Art i Disseny.
Dirección: Calle Hospital 56. Barcelona,

● Inscripción: 9,00 a 9,30 h
● Café: 9.30 h
● Presentación: 10.00 h
● Debate: 10.30 h
● Cierre: 11.00 h

Intervienen: Inari Virkkala NGO Ukumbi, Finlandia y Henry Cardona, ASF Suecia.
Bienvenida: Pep Dardanyà. Cap de l'Àrea de Relacions Exteriors i Acció Cultural Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny.
Presenta: Susana Aparicio Ortiz. España ReciclyngArt.Org (En creación, anteriormente ReciclaMadrid) y Co-Fundadora ARC Peace Iberoamérica.
Exposición en Sala: Proyectos premiados por ASF International, 2015.

On the occasion of the celebration in Barcelona of the meeting of the board of Architecture Sans Frontières International a breakfast meeting will be held on Monday October 26 in the hall of the Escola Massana Centre d 'Art and Design to highligh the awards "ASF Award 2015: Learning South of North", granted by ASF-Int in collaboration with the Nordic Network South of North. Access is free and professionals, students, institutions and individuals interested in social housing and sustainable development are most welcome to join!

The desire to use architecture and design to enhance sustainability has increased exponentially in the past four decades. Expanding the scope of practice to include not only the physical buildings but social progress and the environment - both locally and globally, pledging to promote ecological and social sustainability worldwide, with special attention to the sectors of the most vulnerable populations, and involving related sectors as surveyors, social workers, sociologists, social educators, designers, organizations and associations and people from many other professions. 

The bi-annual ASF Award was given out for the first time in conjunction with the ASF General Assembly in Kathmandu in June 2015. The Award was supprted by the Nordic project "South of North", born in 2013 on the initiative of architects and current coordinators from Asante and ASF Sweden (Pilvi Vanamo) and Ukumbi in Finland (Inari Virkkala), which promoted collaboration between Nordic architects working in the nonprofit sector in developing environments.
