In 2008, architects Sami Rintala and Dagur Eggertsson started a new architect office called Rintala Eggertsson Architects. The office is based in Oslo, South Norway and Bodø, North Norway.

Sami Rintala is an architect and an artist, with a long merit list after finishing his architect studies in Helsinki Finland 1999. He has realized several works in Venice Biennale,  for example in 2000 Sixty Minute Man commenting on the Biennale theme ‘ less aesthetics,  more ethics’.

Dagur Eggertsson is an architect with a professional background from a number of the most prominent offices in Oslo. Important part of Rintala’s and Eggertsons work is teaching and lecturing in various art and architecture universities.

Rintala Eggertsson Contact Information:

Sami Rintala
+47 905 19 005