Komitu is one of the three member teams Ukumbi NGO.
At current, Komitu is working with organizations Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS) and Khmer Kamputchea Krom for Human Rights and Development Association (KKKHRDA) to build a youth center in Phnom Penh. Building has begun in February 2012 and is expected to finish in 2013.
Komitu’s focus in the project has been on involving the locals in the design process and developing an ecological bamboo building technique.
KOMITU is a group of six architects and master-level architecture students, Noora Aaltonen, Sisko Hovila, Tuuli Kassi, Maiju Suomi, Elina Tenho ja Inari Virkkala. Together they have experience of humanitarian architecture workshops and study projects. These young women have all studied or worked abroad, including Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Norway, Peru, Spain and Tajikistan.
Komitu Contact Information:
Inari Virkkala
tel. +358 40 574 1926